Update API Details


API account details can be updated by selecting the “Details” action for the desired API on the API Accounts List Page. This will open the API Account Details Page

Under the “Details” tab you can modify the contact details, rotate credentials, and modify whitelist and listeners.

Contact Details:

To modify contact details, simply type the name and email address into the designated fields. To complete the change, click on the “Update Contact Details” button to the right side of the page.

Update Whitelist:

To update the whitelist, select the “Update whitelist” button. This will open the Update Whitelist Page. Each list item displays the label, rule, type, and includes an action menu. Add a new rule with the “Add rule” button in the lower left hand corner of the list. In the fields add the following for the rule: label, rule and type. Once complete, click on the “Update” button in the lower right hand corner. 

Update existing rules by selecting “Update” from the action menu for the desired rule and following similar steps as above. 

Update listeners:

To update the whitelist, select the “Update listener” button. This will open the Update Listener Page. Each list item displays the details, type, and an action menu. Add a new rule with the “Add rule” button in the lower left hand corner of the list. In the fields, add the label and type for the rule. Once complete, click on the “Update” button in the lower right hand corner. 

Update existing rules by selecting “Update” from the action menu for the desired rule and following similar steps as above. 

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If you have any questions about this specific tutorial or would like to learn more please feel free to contact the Arlula team at hello@arlula.com.