Updating User Profile and Account Details


Update user and account details in the Settings Tab. Changes to user name, email address and password can be made and two factor authentication can be set up in this tab.

To change the name or email, simply click in the field and type in the correct name or email. Once completed, select the “Update user profile” button on the right hand side. 

If you would like to change your password: 

  1. Type your current password into the first field. 
  2. In the last two fields, ype your new password. Ensure that the last two fields match. 
  3. When done, click on the “Update password” button on the right hand side. 

*If you have forgotten your password and need to reset, from the login page select “Forgot your Password”. You will be prompted for the email you used to sign up and a password reset will be sent to you. 

To help keep your account secure, there is an option to set up two factor authentication. To set up for the first time: 

  1. Click on “Set up two factor authentication”. 
  2. A QR code will be generated, in which you can scan with your desired two factor authenticator app. 
  3. Type in your authenticator code in the provided field and then click the “confirm authenticator” button to complete. 

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If you have any questions about this specific tutorial or would like to learn more please feel free to contact the Arlula team at hello@arlula.com.